1-ounce of almonds a day – Yay or Nay?

1-ounce of almonds a day – Yay or Nay?

Everyone seems to be captivated by the richness of a variety of nuts, and especially peanuts. Hmm, or rather peanut butter? But most nuts have an ill-reputation of being high in fats and calories. So today, let us throw some light on the other, not-so-often ignored almonds.

An ounce of almonds- An ounce of secrets!

Wonder why your mother always insists on having a handful of almonds every morning? How often you must have seen mothers running behind their school-children to stuff their hands (or pockets) with a few almonds. Well, what is this whole obsession with almonds? I am sure when we uncover the secret you would be the first one to get up and immediately reach out for your BarBar almond jar. More on our varieties of almonds later, first- let us straight away dive into the magical realm of these nuts.

Calm the Growling Stomach!

1. Almonds can curb hunger! Yes, they are super-rich in fibre. Hence, a handful of them would keep you satiated for a long period of time. This is ideal for anyone who are watchful guardians of their weight.

A Powerhouse Punch!

2. Almonds are power packs of protein! A handful of them would contain anywhere between 4-6gms of protein! Well, that is equal to having 1 whole egg. So, all the battle-hardened gym- goers these nuts are a must for you! Further, it is ideal for everyone who wishes to meet their daily protein requirements! What better than snacking on 6gms of protein, and without gaining those extra calories. (Now, think twice about your peanut butter!)

The Warrior-Barrier!

3. Almonds help you fight infections! The only type of nuts which provides you a powerhouse of Vitamin E. This would in turn, help in maintaining your beautiful eyes, and skin. It also boosts the warrior cells of the body and helps prepare them for any external battles (of course, I mean infections/bacteria/virus attacks).

For your Thin-Skin!

4. For those concerned about fat, and cholesterol Almonds are free of both of these! It only contains unsaturated fats- which are not at all your enemies.

Your Sleep-Date!

5. Reading makes you sleep? Oh well, almonds do the same job! It can be a perfect night- snack for anyone who craves (just like us!) a good night’s sleep. These magnesium and melatonin-rich nuts are always successful in kickstarting the process of a sound sleep.

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